As the dog days of summer unwind and the chill of fall arrives on the Bayou, there are few ways to spend an afternoon that are more relaxing than cracking the cover on a good book. That pleasantry doesn’t appear to apply to the state of Louisiana, however, as the Bayou State ranks among the least book-loving states in the country by a trio of metrics. With National Read A Book Day arriving on September 6th, we decided to look at the states who love to read the most. took a break from Louisiana sportsbooks to catch up on some reading. So we utilized 2 combined data points to develop the ranking of the 50 US States in terms of loving books. We utilized to get the average annual library visits per capita in 2023 and Google Trends to get the searches for “Amazon Kindle” over the past 12 months (August 2022-August 2023) Once acquiring that information, we averaged out the ranking of the states to get our final rankings.
States That Love Reading Books the Least
Here's some information you won't discover on Louisiana betting apps. Below you'll find where the Bayou State ranked nationally by those metrics, compared with the rest of the country.
Louisiana Among Nation’s Least Book-Loving States
It seems that Louisiana residents aren’t springing their heels to land the latest New York Times best-seller, with the state ranking in the bottom tier when it comes to library visits per capita, “Kindle” search ranking and total average ranking nationally. Overall, the Bayou State ranked 43rd nationally in the first metric and 46th in the latter category, netting Louisiana a total ranking of 44.5.
That 44.5 score put Louisiana as the third lowest nationally, ahead of Texas (45) and Mississippi (50) on a national level — with states like North Dakota (41.5), New Jersey (41) and Georgia (39.5) ranking ahead of the Bayou State nationally. Louisiana’s closest neighbors, in Texas (49th nationally), Mississippi (50th nationally) and Alabama (37th nationally) were all in the bottom 15 nationally when it came to the book metrics we used for this survey.

Christopher Boan writes for and has been covering sports and sports betting for more than seven years, with experience at, the Tucson Weekly and the Green Valley News.